The enterprise CIO is moving to a consumption-first paradigm

The enterprise CIO is moving to a consumption-first paradigm

Take yourself back a couple of decades and the IT industry looked very different than it does today. Back then the number of solution choices was relatively limited and only available to those with the finances to afford it. Many of the core services had to be built from the ground up. Why? There simply wasn’t the volume or maturity of the IT marketplace for core services. Today, that picture is very different! For […]

Your IQ Drops 10 Points And Other Scary Side Effects Of Frequently Checking Email

Your IQ Drops 10 Points And Other Scary Side Effects Of Frequently Checking Email

Brain Lobes We spend 13 hours a week on email  and unlock our phones 110 times a day .   What is that doing to our brains?  The short answer is it’s making them worse, according to the Harvard Business Review  and other sources.  Here’s the science: • It saps our time: Every time you get interrupted — like when your phone buzzes with a new email or your Gmail tab compels you toward the […]

The Cost of Continuously Checking Email

Suppose each time you ran low on an item in your kitchen—olive oil, bananas, napkins—your instinctive response was to drop everything and race to the store. How much time would you lose? How much money would you squander on gas? What would happen to your productivity? We all recognize the inefficiency of this approach. And yet surprisingly, we often work in ways that are equally wasteful. The reason we keep a shopping list and […]

Bad News Is Worse through Email

Bad News Is Worse through Email

Bottom Line:   People who get bad news from companies significantly prefer to be disappointed via voicemail rather than email, appreciating the interpersonal aspect of the human voice over plain text. This leads to a better attitude toward the company, despite the letdown.  When you have to deliver bad […]

The 9X Email Problem

One of the benefits of being an academic is the ability to attend seminars that seem to have nothing to do with your own work.  A while back I heard John Gourville , a colleague in HBS’s Marketing department , talk about his research investigating why so many new […]