Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail

advertisement Mount Everest Why do so many social business programs fail? Gartner research estimates that fully 80% of social business initiatives will deliver disappointing results over the next three years. That’s a bad track record. It’s almost as if organizations were sabotaging their own efforts. A careful look at […]

The Death Of Social ROI — Companies Are Starting To Drop The Idea That They Can Track Social Media’s Dollar Value

Many brands are moving away from metrics that purport to measure ROI on social media.  They’ve realized that social media isn’t a transactional engine or sales machine, so they’re dropping half-baked indicators that gauge secondary effects, such as financial return. Instead, the new metrics evaluate social media strategies in […]

Enterprise Collaboration: Interested or Invested?

Enterprise Collaboration: Interested or Invested?

“If your organization requires success before commitment, it will never have either. Part of leadership (a big part of it, actually) is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time. Long enough that the critics realize that you’re going to get there one way or another…so […]

LM: A great example of where proper alignment with business processes and metrics would have changed this CIO’s answer….

“I don’t know” isn’t usually the answer most CEOs are expecting, particularly when their question is focused on the probability of success for a new enterprise-wide initiative that will require significant investment and probably mean big change for the organization. And yet that’s what one CIO recently offered up to his boss for a project proposal that he himself pitched to his executive. It sounds like a career-limiting move but given the somewhat risky nature of the project it was likely the most open and honest response he could have given; and one that required more than an ounce of courage.