What is “Change Management”?

The first perspective of “change management” is that different fields of endeavor use the same term with very different implications.  Information technology (IT), for example, uses the term to mean overall management of changes in developing software code.  When “the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is […]

My opinion of organizational change management foundations differs somewhat from that of Hiatt.  His view, as described in the above reference, sees change management as an outgrowth of engineering and psychology.  Alternatively I believe it is an outgrowth of three disciplines: psychology, leadership, and engineering.  Reduced almost to a quip, psychologists think in terms of relationships and feelings.  Leaders think in terms of goals and controls.  Engineers think in terms of systems and execution.  All three are necessary considerations. 

Facts and Figures

A number of studies have been completed that look into the success / failure rates of projects.  These studies indicate that serious problems exist across a broad cross-section of industries.  Below is a summary of some recent reports. Source :  McKinsey & Company in conjunction with the University of Oxford […]